Monday, April 25, 2011

Fullmetal Alchemist: 0 [Zero]

Back in July of last year, the final manga chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist was released.
I found out a few months ago, however, the creator Hiromu Arakawa had released an extra chapter titled Fullmetal Alchemist: 0 after the series ended.
Tonight I was on a scanlation website to look up something for yet another fanfiction, saw this extra, and read it.

0 takes place after the final chapter, thus after Ed and Al's return to Risembool. Soon after, a box arrives addressed to Al and is opened to reveal the suit of armor that formerly housed his soul. Mutilated as it is after the final fight against Father, Winry tears up causing a distraction as Den grabs the helmet from the armor and runs off, nowhere to be found. Giving up on their search, the brothers request Winry take them to Rush Valley where they have the armor melted down to make auto-mail rather than "sit and collect dust".
Upon returning to Risembool, Ed gives Pinako a sickle made from the armor's leftovers (because pulling weeds is ad for an old lady's back). Trying it out, she disturbs a nest of bird living in the helmet that Den stole.

I can see it now: Arakawa-sensei being washed away in a sea of fan letters that scream: WHAT HAPPENED TO AL'S ARMOR?!?!?!
Judging by the way the characters talk about it, the armor itself is regarded as a character, no doubt holding emotional ties with the creator and her assistants.
It was also a great gag to see Ed and Al squirm as it gets pounded into scrap metal...
The armor also keeps up with the theme that the brothers hold such little sentimental value to anything - their house, for example - save Ed's pocket watch.

I think more than anything, this was Arakawa's way of saying a final goodbye to her story. This is made very obvious as Ed tells the baby birds that they'll someday soar through the skies - kind of like the artist attempting to tell herself to move on and flourish in her next comic.

I didn't get too attached to this chapter.
I think I finished grieving after the final release on top of the fact this story was excruciatingly short compared to the ending chapters. 0 almost felt like a different story altogether - there was no use of alchemy at all, most likely because Ed no longer has the ability, Al felt the armor should be given a proper transformation, and Winry can make a better product with top-notch metal she supervises.

"Don't Forget Fullmetal Alchemist" is the caption on on of the ads at the end of the short.
Again, this is Arakawa's final goodbye to her series.
However, the caption does say something: Fullmetal is a series much like Inu-Yasha that will live on and nurture otaku for many generations. I think Arakawa knows that, so I believe she can let go without a fear.

- Much luvs, and wishing the best for the future, Hideki

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